Whether you want to write for your favorite game company, for a community content program such as the Dungeon Master’s Guild, or to self-publish, there are a few basic changes you can make to your routine, process, and mindset that can save you a lot of time, money, and headache in the long run.
Track Your Time
In 2018 I was introduced to Toggl, a free time-tracking cloud app that can be accessed from your web browser or mobile device. Alternatively, you can always jot down the time you spend working in a spreadsheet or in your planner/journal. I use it to track how much time I spend on a given project and each portion of that project, such as outlining or drafting or finding new clients. It’s been super useful to be able to look back and see how much time different assignments actually take me, and then be to able to forecast approximately how much time I’ll need, whether I can hit a deadline, or whether it pays enough to be worth my time. It’s also helped me gauge how much is “too much” in terms of day job, freelance, and social commitments. Time tracking can also help at tax time, depending on what you’re deducting on a Schedule C (internet, phone bill, etc.).